Emergency contact: 98 430 45454
CKC & SH offers a variety of treatment options for kidney failure that include:
- Kidney transplantation
- Long term haemodialysis
- Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD)
- Conservative Treatment
CKC & SH is one of the first ten hospitals in India for kidney disease treatment. The hospital is well-recognized hospital in the country for kidney transplantation. We have performed more than 4000 adult and paediatric kidney transplants. As a leader in kidney transplant care, we provide advanced, scientific care with compassion, enabling our patients to return to their daily lives.
At CKC & SH, we perform an average 100 kidney transplants every year. Our specialists have the expertise and advanced training to perform even the most complex transplant procedures with excellent outcomes.
We carry out the following kidney transplants:
- Live related donor ABO compatible kidney transplant
- Live related donor ABO incompatible kidney transplant
- Live related donor steroid-free kidney transplant
- Kidney paired exchange kidney transplant
- Deceased donor kidney transplant
- Highly sensitized patients kidney transplant
- Paediatric kidney transplant
Kidney transplants give patients with kidney failure a new lease of life. Patients who need kidney transplants require guidance and frequent support, and so we provide meticulous post-operative care to ensure a positive outcome. During their follow-up appointments, patients will be given special care and counselling.
Our specialised clinic in pre- and post-kidney transplant care also provides emotional and psychological support for patients. With Dr K S Ramalingam at the helm of this clinic, supported by two physician assistants and a medical social worker, it provides comprehensive support to patients every step of the way. With over 4000 kidney transplant recipients and living donors under its follow-up, the kidney transplant clinic is equipped to provide advanced and team-based care, and offers new patients an excellent support system through meet-up and discussions with kidney transplant patients and families.